Brandi Harrell after

Top 10 Items for Hair Growth Part 2

Top 10 items for Hair Growth Part 2


So you have already learned about the first 5 items for growth! If you missed it, here you go!

And now, here is more!

Scalp Massage

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Hair grows through the hair follicles of your scalp. These tiny openings are nourished by the nutrients within your bloodstream and one way to stimulate hair growth it so increase blood flow. You can do this in the privacy of your own home, with a good ole scalp massage. The proper way to massage your scalp is with the fingertips. Simply spread your fingers along your head shape and move in circular motions. This can be once a week or daily. If you do not regularly massage your scalp, begin by using the Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth Oil on the scalp in the evenings before bed. Massage every area of your scalp for about 5 minutes each night. After 1 week, decrease to a few times a week and maintain that flow as it continues to help your hair grow. Another great opportunity for a scalp massage is when cleansing your hair and scalp. Using CURLS Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Wash, apply with your fingertips and massage as you cleanse your threads. This will increase blood circulation and loosen dead skin cells to rejuvenate your scalp!

Deep Treatment Mask

This is a #GAMECHANGER! You MUST heighten your deep conditioning game if you want to witness the best hair growth of your life!!!! Using the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask, completely saturate your hair strands and let sit for up to 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and enjoy your freshly conditioned strands! The effects of a deep conditioner are longer lasting than a regular conditioner. Therefore, you can expect, stronger, shinier, healthier hair. Healthy hair will naturally grow and be less prone to breakage.

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Pre-Poo Treatment and DC Booster

Want to know an insider secret to hair growth! It's all in the way you use your hair growth oil! Did you know that adding a hydrating oil to your deep conditioning treatment could boost the effects of your deep treatment by adding fatty acids to your creamy potion. Try it on your next deep conditioning session. You could also use your same oil - Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth Oil, as a pre-poo treatment. Pre-pooing is the perfect way to strengthen your hair strands and preserve the integrity of your hair before cleansing. Although CURLS cleansers are gentle, if your hair is relaxed, transitioning, or damaged, even the cleansing process could be taxing on the threads. A pre-poo treatment will allow the product to mend the weak areas of the hair prior to your cleansing and conditioning sessions. Apply your oil to your hair and cover with a plastic cap for approximately 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and proceed to cleanse.

Silk or Satin Sleep Aids

All of the work you will put into your hair growth should not be stripped away from you due the wrong sleeping methods! Every part of the hair care process must be ready to adjust to growth. Therefore, each night, before retiring for bed, cover and conceal your threads with silk or satin fabric. Using cotton on your hair will create unnecessary friction on the delicate hair strands leading to breakage. Instead, swap your sheets for a hair-friendly fabric like silk or satin.
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Hair Growth Supplement

Finally, this one takes the cake! Your hair grows based on the nutrition in your blood stream. So, if you have an unhealthy diet and lifestyle you will grow weak, fragile hair. On the other hand, if you have a robust, healthy diet and lifestyle, you will grow comparable hair. Now take a moment, close your eyes and think about your lifestyle for the past week..... Now consider what type of hair you are growing. Ready to do better? Use CURLS Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin to fortify your strands before they even get started. A hair growth supplement will cover all basis for proper hair, skin and nail nutrition! And what's more, the liquid formula allows for 98% absorption INSTANTLY!!!!! You can find the liquid vitamin at or in Target Stores!

So utilize these top 10 tools to get your hair growth game up!