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Wash Day for Curly Hair: Here's What to Do


Wash Day for Curly Hair: Here's What to Do

By Tiffani Douglas

Wash Day: Curly Hair Routine Dang sis, did you ever think that you’d ever have to re-learn how to wash your hair? The transition to natural hair can be a steep learning curve and certainly not for the faint at heart. Wash days will undoubtedly make you question why you ever decided to go natural. It’s tricky, and until you know what kinky curly hair products work best for you, it can be an uphill battle – wash days being the toughest one of all! Wash days without the right kinky curly hair products can be a nightmare but getting your wash day process down with the right products is life, sis!

4 Steps to Wash Day Success

Step 1 - Level up with the pre-poo. We know kinky hair is delicate, and it takes a beating when you’re constantly manipulating, detangling or even shampooing. On wash days, your hair is exposed to a hardy dose of spirited scrubbing to remove dirt and debris, which can cause damage if you’re not careful. To prevent mechanical breakage, take the extra time to pre-poo your tresses before shampooing your curls. Pre-pooing, the process of applying a conditioner, oil or serum to your curls before shampooing, adds extra nourishment to dry hair. To soften and detangle before shampooing, saturate your hair with water, pre-poo, and allow it to sit 20-30 minutes before using your curly hair shampoo.


Step 2 - Do the most with a natural shampoo. First, start by choosing an all-natural, nutrient-rich and sulfate-free shampoo. When cleansing, apply Sea Kelp Curl Cleanser and start scrubbing at the roots and scalp. Hold the ends together between your fingers to prevent tangling. Lather your hair and scalp for two-three minutes to remove dirt and lift debris. Rinse with warm water to open the cuticles and prepare for a deep conditioning treatment. To add an extra step, try the quick Green Tea Rinse to level you pH, seal moisture and add shine.

Step 3 - Deep condition for your life. Deep conditioner is liiiife for dry, curly hair. After you've thoroughly cleansed your hair and scalp, deep conditioner restores the oils, moisture and nutrients you may have lost during the wash. Failure to deep condition your curls on wash day could potentially leave your hair dry and susceptible to breakage, so don’t skip this step! To restore lost moisture apply Sea Kelp & Cucumber Hair Mask, and allow it to sit on your hair for 15 minutes.

Step 4 - Now you’re stylin’. You’ve done your work (did you know you could have an Iyanla moment with your natural hair?), now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. For the perfect textured style, use kinky curly hair products that fight frizz, moisturize, soften and smooth your hair. CURLS’ Avocado Hair Mousse does just that and it’s packed with vitamins to continue strengthening your hair.

To learn more about kinky curly hair products, including all-natural curly hair shampoos and The Green Collection visit